In the busy world of logistics, operating a shuttle run to move goods safely and efficiently is a critical component of the logistics operation for businesses.

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what is a shuttle run?

A shuttle run is the safe, efficient transportation of goods, typically from a factory to a warehouse and in some cases, from a warehouse to a factory, too. Shuttle runs are common in a wide range of industries that need to move large volumes of products quickly and safely. Such industries include fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), packaging, food and drink, construction and automotive.

Our Sales Director, Wouter Satijn, expanded further on this definition of a shuttle run in report publisher STIQ’s ‘Loading and Unloading Automation 2024’. He explains: "You have modified automated trailer loading solutions that are typically for intralogistics shuttling from A to B, the milk-runs. Then you have Unmodified Automated Trailer Loading Systems that are typically for one-way loading, you just load the trailer and wave goodbye."

how shuttle runs help you in your logistics

In most cases, businesses implement shuttle runs for finished goods to optimise inbound or outbound material handling processes. The automotive industry is one example of shuttle run implementation for inbound material handling processes in an industry. To meet just-in-time (JIT) production demands, manufacturers in the automotive industry have satellite factories producing finished components, such as wheels, seats or complete dashboard assemblies, to shuttle the finished components, ready for installation, to the assembly line. In terms of shuttle run usage for outbound material handling processes, you’ll find this in most food and drink, FMCG or packaging industries, where round-the-clock production in the factory means finished goods must be shuttled to warehouses or distribution centres for storage, ready to send to the end customer.

It isn’t just a question of either inbound or either outbound though. The shuttle run can be used twofold to support both the inbound and outbound flow of goods in the logistics operations. One example of this is shuttling raw materials from the warehouse to the factory for manufacture into the finished goods before shuttling them back to the warehouse for storage. This uses and optimises space in both the factory and the warehouse. 

You’ll find an example of this in the recent case study of our project with the renowned flooring manufacturing company Bjelin. The manufacturer implemented a modified ATLS to optimise their shuttle run between their factory in Viken and their new warehouse in Helsingborg, Sweden. You can read the full case study, A Big Step Forward: Moving Floor System Transforms Wooden Floor Manufacturer's Transportation, in the ‘Case Studies’ section of our website.


the disadvantages of operating with a shuttle run

The difficulty with traditional shuttle runs is that they come with liabilities. They take up many resources and, often, cause various challenges for operation and logistics managers. Problems can arise with employing teams of truck drivers and forklift operators, managing fleets of trucks, trailers and forklifts while also managing the risks of human error and mishap. 

For businesses operating a shuttle run within a 31-mile (50km) radius, varying liabilities are particularly problematic and cause inefficiencies. Dependence on the shuttle run to help manage throughput can be costly to production outputs if the logistics operation doesn’t go to plan.

Furthermore, the reliance on labour and fleets of equipment can increase the risk of mishaps or accidents and lead to significant delays. The company must maintain equipment in good condition to operate, and tasks to employees are repetitive and mundane. All this can compound, resulting in lower productivity, greater risk of mishaps and higher operational costs.

Safety Must Always Come First

Loading bays and loading docks are one of the most hazardous environments in the workplace, and the risk of mishaps and accidents is high. This makes workplace safety management a constant challenge, one which requires stringent compliance measures.

Achieving a balance between safety and high volumes of throughput to meet shuttle run targets is tough. Whereas managers have a keen eye on targets, forklift operators are making sure the next trailer is ready to leave, and truck drivers are keen to get back on the road. In turn, the shuttle run process can cause employees to pay less attention to their surroundings. 

Recent statistics show how dangerous the transport and storage industry is, not to mention the risks people who work in the industry face every day, whether life-threatening, injury related or mental health oriented. The UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE), in ‘Transport and Storage Statistics in Great Britain 2023’, reports that: ‘There were 15 fatal injuries to workers in 2022/23’, whilst, ‘29,000 works sustained non-fatal injuries at work averaged over a three-year period, 2021-2023.”’ In addition, ‘There were estimated 55,000 workers suffering from work-related ill health (new or long-standing)’ and ‘An estimated 20,000 workers suffering from work-related musculoskeletal disorders (new or long-standing).’

Furthermore, we’ve found examples where companies’ health and safety measures have been inadequate and caused accidents. These have had catastrophic consequences for those involved in the accident, their families and their colleagues, and have had significant repercussions for the business.


  • In April 2024, an Oldham-based haulage company was fined more than £85,000 after a forklift truck driver was killed while loading a heavy goods vehicle (HGV).
  • In November 2023, a Newark-based manufacturing company was fined £500,000 after a forklift truck driver was killed while at work.


  • In July 2023, a Blackpool clothing firm received a £40,000 fine after a man was hit by a forklift truck and seriously injured.
  • In May 2024, three companies were fined after a lift truck engineer was seriously injured while working at a tyre factory in Carlisle.
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Labour-intensive Operations

The traditional shuttle run operation is labour-intensive and requires a large workforce to sustain factory throughput. The work takes place in one of the most dangerous workplace environments and is the perfect recipe for high staff turnover rates, mishaps and accidents.

Teams of forklift operators and truck drivers must work in tandem and harmoniously with each other, but managing these teams on each shift is complex and increases the costs of operating and of coordinating them. Accounting for authorised/unauthorised absences and lateness complicates labour management even more, amplifying the strain and pressure the people in charge are under to maintain the shuttle run operation.

This isn’t management’s only concern. They must also wrestle with high staff turnover rates and recurring recruitment costs. Even then, the costs still don’t stop there. The company must provide induction and mandatory ongoing training to keep the working environment safe for everyone. As a result, labour costs alone exacerbate the costs of operating and maintaining the shuttle run. 

Operational Bottlenecks

Shuttle run logistics processes can be prone to inefficiencies and create operational bottlenecks. The consequences can be huge, particularly if they chase back into the factory and affect the throughput. Where possible, management teams should minimise risk of this happening.

A traditional shuttle run operation can quickly highlight the number of ‘links in the chain’ and the vulnerability of each ‘link’  in the process. One broken link in the chain can create operational bottlenecks and disrupt the shuttle run’s targets for the day, week or even the month and also the factory’s throughput. Constant supervision is necessary to maintain the productivity levels and ensure the logistics process doesn’t slow down.

Labour issues can also cause operational bottlenecks, as can failures from equipment, such as trailers or forklift trucks, if not maintained or in a ready-to-use condition. 

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Increased Risk of Damage

A traditional shuttle run that uses labour with forklift trucks to undertake the loading and unloading process creates the potential for human error, which can happen in a variety of ways:

  • The wrong pallets could be loaded or the risk of damage could increase.
  • Damage could occur to finished goods or to equipment, such as forklifts, trucks or trailers, or to the infrastructure, e.g. to the shutter doors of the factory or the warehouse. Depending on the extent of the damage, accidental damage can have immediate repercussions on the shuttle run, stopping it there and then; can have longer term repercussions, including the cost of repairs and/or the cost; or both.

All of this places even more pressure on the logistics budget.

You can find out more about how to reduce the risk of product damage by reading our useful article: How to Reduce Product Damage When Loading, which you view from our ‘News’ page.

High Equipment and Maintenance Costs

Reducing the financial costs associated with high equipment and maintenance costs while also trying to contain the variable costs of a shuttle run or logistics operations is critical for management teams and financial directors. When operating a traditional shuttle run, the procurement and maintenance of trucks, trailers, forklift trucks and other equipment are essential to keep up with the factory’s throughput.

Equipment can be prone to repair expenses and is subjected to operational downtime from repair work or pre-planned maintenance (PPM) work being undertaken. Procuring extra equipment to have on standby in contingency is the short-term solution for this without affecting the shuttle run operation.

Additionally, trucks, trailers and forklift trucks are subjected to variable costs, including fuel costs; perishable items, such as tyres etc; and insurances. If you’re reviewing the macro-financial cost of the traditional shuttle run, you should take all these costs into consideration.

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During the consultation, a Joloda Hydraroll Group Systems Expert will speak with you about your business' current logistics operations, plans and goals. 

We have over 60+ years of experience providing cutting-edge technological solutions to the logistics industry and have helped countless companies around the world lighten their load.  

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MM Packaging Slipchain (2)

automating the shuttle run with a modified automated trailer loading system

Although automating the trailer loading process is music to most logistics managers’ ears, it’s important to clarify that, realistically, the only way to achieve this is with a modified Automated Trailer Loading Solution.

Below, we’ll dive into the differences between a modified and Unmodified Trailer Loading Solutions and why each solution has its specific uses within the logistics process.

What’s the difference between a modified and unmodified ATLS?

The key difference between whether a modified or unmodified system is right for your business is whether you’re automating the loading and unloading process or just the loading process. If you’re automating both, only a modified ATLS would be better, whereas if you’re just automating the loading process an unmodified ATLS is suitable.

Going with a modified Automated Trailer Loading System or an unmodified one?

A modified ATLS, such as with a Slipchain, Trailerskate or Moving Floor system requires significant changes to trailers. In an ideal world, companies that have a factory and a separate warehouse within the same operation to own the trailers find it a preferable and logistical solution because it places them in full control of the logistics operations.

However, this isn’t always the case. We’ve worked with several businesses that use their third-party logistics (3PL) provider to source, modify and manage the logistics operation. One example of this is MM Packaging at their Deeside site in the UK. There they’ve subcontracted Farrells Group to own, manage, run and maintain their logistics operation. You can read more about this in our case study, ‘Packaging Industry: Revolutionising Loading Processes with Automated Loading’. We’ve many other examples of blue chip companies with global brands utilising 3PLs to fully outsource their automated shuttle run logistics operations such as Heinz

An unmodified ATLS, meanwhile, is ideal for businesses looking to automate the loading of the trailer and not unload at the distribution centre or warehouse. These solutions will suit perfectly companies that have factories distributing goods via third-party logistics (3PL) companies. They can still work with the logistics partners but without owning the trailers. The fact they don’t own the trailers means it’s possible to use any trailer to collect and deliver the goods.

Incidentally, we’ve just acquired Finnish company Actiw Oy, who specialise in providing automated solutions for the unmodified trailer market. The company’s range of products complements our own. By combining our expertise with theirs, we can support businesses with unmodified solutions that eliminate the need for a dedicated fleet. This is especially useful in Europe, where trailers sometimes travel extremely long distances between factories and warehouses without unloading. Sometimes, the docks at either end of the journey also don’t work well with trailers modified for automated loading.

See it in action

watch the video

We helped a packaging business revolutionise their packaging production loading processes by unleashing the power of Automated Loading Systems.

In this video, witness how our automated technology is improving the shuttle run. Our ground-breaking Slipchain system automatically loads pallets from the production line directly into the trailer.

Trailerskate automated truck loading solution being used in the beverage industry

the benefits of our automated trailer loading solutions

Shuttle runs provide you with a perfect case to install one of our automated loading solutions. Our systems will benefit your workplace in numerous ways, including the operation’s throughput, improving financial costs and, most importantly, the safety and well-being of employees at work.

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Safer Loading

Incorporating a modified automated trailer loading system into your shuttle run will lower the risk of accidents by removing forklift trucks and their operators from the loading process. The truck driver can dock, automatically load and then undock themselves. This significant reduction in forklift traffic and people in the loading process makes the working place safer for everyone.

At Joloda Hydraroll, safety at work is paramount. We want to help and guide other businesses to think alike, so we’ve put together a guide, the Four Ways to Improve Safety in the Loading Bay with Automation: Transforming Working Practices to Protect your Staff and Business. The guide highlights key statistics and provides a four-step guide and a checklist to help you determine whether automation is viable for your shuttle run operation.

You can also find out about loading vehicles and unloading them safely in our ‘Ultimate Guide to Safe Loading and Unloading of Vehicles.

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Lower Labour Costs

Automated trailer loading systems eliminate the need for forklift operators in loading and unloading and reduce the number of truck drivers required. A typical trailer loaded with 26 pallets can take anywhere between 35 and 45 minutes to load and unload, whereas automating the loading process can minimise this to as little as two minutes. 

This isn’t the only labour cost an ATLS can lower. Businesses can cut costs associated with the recruitment of labour, employees’ salaries and of induction and on-going training requirements. After installing an ATLS, management costs, such as the cost of employing a management team to organise forklift drivers and truck drivers, and of varying staff levels due to absenteeism, will also fall.

Although downsizing a workforce is frowned upon slightly, doing so lowers the risk of bottlenecks from the shuttle run loading operation. Meanwhile, the other benefits of automating the loading and unloading processes allows the factories to boost production volumes. The company can then increase production teams, redeploy staff or hire new workers.

This automated and streamlined process means less human intervention during the loading operation and reduces the likelihood of errors and accidents in the production process, and the loading bay, one of the most dangerous areas of any factory.

Higher Loading Efficiency

Incorporating an automated trailer loading system into your shuttle run will enable your operation to load and unload trailers in under two minutes, without error and at the push of a button. This will significantly decrease turnaround times and improve efficiency. Businesses will be able to optimise their product lines and the flow of goods between the factory and the warehouse and minimise delays and logistical bottlenecks. They’ll also be able to increase the factory throughput error-free.

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Minimised Product and Equipment Damage

Implementing an automated trailer loading solution for the shuttle run operation will reduce the risk of damage to goods, trucks, trailers, forklift trucks, factories and warehouses by eliminating scope for human error. The automated, precise and controlled motion of a single-shot trailer loading solution ensures pallets are handled correctly and efficiently, improving inventory management.

In addition, depending on how the business has set up its end-of-line, a modified automated trailer loading solution rewards you with the flexibility to load in one shot or step-by-step.

How To Reduce Your Logistics Costs On Transportation Linkedin

Cost Savings on Equipment

By implementing an ATLS, businesses can reduce the number of forklifts and trailers necessary, lowering procurement and maintenance costs. Although integrating a modified automated trailer loading system for your shuttle run will incur some related costs, a typical return on investment (ROI) will see you recover your investment within three years, demonstrating that it's a cost effective solution.

Lower fuel consumption is another important benefit of installing our loading systems. Despite you covering the same quantity of miles from journeys to transport goods, the automated systems will help you to use less fuel and lower the related costs. For instance, you can specify that shuttle run journeys only be made outside of peak times or busy ones. Drivers can use these times for breaks, so that the business uses less fuel and achieves more miles to the gallon. 

To learn more about cost-saving strategies in logistics, consider reading our comprehensive guide: "How to Reduce Your Logistics Costs on Transportation." This article provides invaluable insights and practical tips for businesses aiming to streamline their transportation operations and significantly cut expenses.

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Optimised Factory and Warehouse Space Usage

A modified automated trailer loading system allows you to make better use of the space in the factory and the warehouse. This is because you only need one automated loading dock to achieve the same output as a traditional dock. This is true of both a factory setup and a warehouse one.

By reducing the footprint required for loading operations, businesses can allocate more space to production or storage.

We explore a number of tactics and technological advancements aimed at augmenting warehouse space utilisation and capacity planning in our article: "Solutions to Improve Warehouse Space Utilisation and Capacity Planning." Businesses can increase operational effectiveness and enhance resource management by investigating these cutting-edge technologies.

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Greater Sustainability

The lesser fuel consumption and more efficient journeys enjoyed due to the use of automated loading and unloading systems means lower CO2 emissions. Additionally, the elimination of forklift truck miles from loading and the lesser numbers of trucks and trailers to invest in and maintain contributes will lower the shuttle run’s carbon footprint. Since pallets will experience less damage from forklift trucks, the CO2 emissions from pallet production will also fall.

Overall, with a more sustainable shuttle run operation, automating the process aligns with businesses' and governments' global efforts to soften the environmental impact.

There has been a notable shift in logistics operations towards sustainable techniques due to growing awareness of environmental issues. In our article, "The Benefits of Sustainable Logistics," we examine how incorporating environmentally friendly practices into supply chain management can improve productivity and the environment.

benefits of automated loading solutions

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100% end-of-line automation

Less labour required

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Reduction of All Operating Costs

Including, People, Trailers, and Forklifts (FLTs)

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Health and Safety

Reduced accident rate during high-volume loading and unloading.

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Reduction in CO2

No forklifts required and reduction in trailer fleet.

explainer video

why invest in an automated loading solution?

We've explained why you should consider investing in an automated loading solution, the features and benefits of our solutions and the return on investment you can come to expect from a tailored automated loading solution.

less means more...

Joloda Icon Less Fuel Usage


Less fuel consumption

Joloda Icon Environment


Less fuel consumption

Joloda Icon Product Damage


Less product waste

any cons?

We understand our systems are a big investment and that you may want to consider the following:

The Distance Factor

Distance in a modified ATLS shuttle is a major factor; it’s true. ATLS are at their most effective in short-haul scenarios. Ideally, within 31 miles (50 km). The gains in efficiency in these scenarios is substantial. For longer distances, you can combine conventional systems and automated ones strategically to maintain throughput without modifying the fleet extensively.

Complicated System Classification and Costs

We provide different systems tailored to specific needs, whether it’s a shuttle or direct-to-customer process. We work closely with clients to determine the best system configuration and guarantee optimal performance and cost-efficiency. The long-term savings in labour, equipment and operational costs offset the initial investment in modifying trailers.

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automated loading systems brochure

Wondering if an automatic loading and unloading solution is right for your warehouse, factory, or business?

Download our FREE Automated Loading Systems leaflet to find out how they can help streamline your operations and reduce your environmental impact. Plus, discover the benefits of our different automated loading systems, including Moving Floor, Slipchain and Trailerskate.


case studies

Automated Loading Systems Typical Business Case Examples 01

return on investment

typical business case example

In the scenario that a business produces and ships a high number of pallets each day, we’ve put together an Automated Loading System typical business case example to help explain the benefits and how an ROI can be achieved with the investment of an automated loading system.

If a business is running a shuttle run from a factory to a warehouse and back again, they’ll benefit from an automated loading system with fewer people, trucks and forklifts.

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We help businesses lighten loads and are highly regarded as the world's leading loading and unloading solutions provider in the logistics industry. Over the last 60 years, we've helped thousands of businesses streamline their logistics operations to be more cost-efficient, more sustainable, and more health and safety-conscious. Learn more About Us, here.

As experts in all kinds of unloading and unloading solutions, we can help innovate, automate and streamline your end-of-production line problems, wherever you are.

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a global leader, with local partners

Around the world, we’re known as the number one; the global leader in loading and unloading solutions. This is not only because we are the largest but also the first too; we've been pioneering loading solutions since 1962.

What truly makes us great is our fantastic product assortment supported by the best partners worldwide. We have an experienced network of 30+ distributors that also support an aftersales network, which is key, especially for automatic loading and unloading. 

Learn more about our global distributor network here.

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During the consultation, a Joloda Hydraroll Group Systems Expert will speak with you about your business' current logistics operations, plans and goals. 

We have over 60+ years of experience providing cutting-edge technological solutions to the logistics industry and have helped countless companies around the world lighten their load.  

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